On the heels of last month’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court reversing cuts by the federal government to hospitals reimbursed under the federal 340B program, this past Friday the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released its anticipated 2023 Hospital Outpatient Payment proposed rule. As discussed by Nick Hut of the Healthcare Financial Management Association in a recent article on the HFMA website, the overall impact of this proposed rule is unlikely to please most hospitals, as any gains in 340B reimbursement (which were left out of the proposed rule but are anticipated to be included in the final rule) may end up being offset with decreases in other general outpatient payments. We will continue to monitor related developments and will keep you apprised. The HFMA’s analysis of three key takeaways for hospitals following the release of the HHS proposed rule can be found here.
HFMA Article Addresses Key Takeaways for Hospitals Following Release of HHS 2023 Hospital Outpatient Payment Proposed Rule